The Five Best Healthy Cooking Shows

Healthy eating is incredibly important, but I think many of us forget to do what’s right for our bodies and give it the fuel it needs without all of the bad stuff. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have something tasty and delicious just because we’re eating right. These five shows prove that you can eat healthily, and still get plenty of flavors.

Not My Mama’s Meals

A Cooking Channel original, host Bobby Deen (Paula’s son) takes his mother’s delicious Southern recipes and transforms them into leaner but still delicious meals. Using substitutions for some of the unhealthier ingredients, Bobby is able to keep the flavor while trimming down the calories. If you love Paula but can’t stand the calories, give Bobby’s show a shot. It’s definitely not his mama’s meals.

Some of Bobby’s meals include Beer Battered Fish and Roasted Fries and Bobby’s Light Banana Pudding.

Christina Cooks

A […]

How To Tell If You Have Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a breathing condition that affects up to 5 percent of the population. This condition can disturb sleep, make people less effective during the day, and endanger overall health. Sleep apnea can affect people of any age. Experts believe up to 85 percent of those who have sleep apnea do not know they have it.

What Is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea occurs when the airways for breathing do not open properly during sleep.

Sleep apnea is linked to high blood pressure, irregular heartbeats, stroke, diabetes, and obesity. It can worsen heart problems. The lack of quality sleep can also increase work and driving accidents. Sleep apnea is a problem that must be managed over a lifetime. Two types of sleep apnea occur, obstructive sleep apnea, and central sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the throat muscles relax, blocking off the airway. Central sleep apnea occurs when the […]

Don’t Bring “The Outside World” With You

Many people we’ve met who claim they want the survivalist lifestyle are in complete shock when they come to realize that this isn’t suburbia with different scenery. It requires a complete change from most peoples’ current lifestyle and mindset.

Life in the wilderness is closely aligned with nature, the direct opposite of what we have been conditioned to accept as urban/suburban life. If you live in an air conditioned home, work in an air-conditioned office, drive in an air conditioned car, with artificial lights all around…it would be hard to more disconnected from nature than you are right now.

Living in your survivalist retreat doesn’t mean you just pick up your whole suburban life and move it to a different location. If you need to hang on to having a supermarket down the block, don’t move from where you are. If your retreat is in the desert and you really […]

Who Should Take Care of Your Ailing Loved One?

When you notice an aging relative’s health start to decline, you have to start considering whether it’s smart to keep them at home or whether they might belong in a nursing facility. Here are several questions you can ask yourself to figure out where this person should go.

1.) What Kind of Care Do They Need?

Sometimes, it’s not so obvious who should be caring for your loved one. Even when it is—maybe they obviously belong in a nursing home—a concerned relative or spouse will still insist on taking care of them at home. This can be dangerous, though, and you need to put the ill one’s well-being first.

What is their current condition, and are they expected to decline? What kind of procedures, medications, and machines will they need to rest comfortably? Are you putting them at a disadvantage by keeping them at home, or is this the better […]

5 Organic Ways to Revive Your Skin

The fact is that dull, lifeless skin isn’t limited to a certain age group – it can afflict anyone. While there are many different factors that contribute to the overall loss of your complexion’s glow, some of the most common ones include genetics, smoking and usage of skin care products improperly.

If you want to achieve healthy skin that gets complimented on, then you need to ensure you’re following the right skin regimen and avoid certain environmental factors.

Given below are a few tips to help you revive and revitalize your skin using healthy, organic ways without having to spend gobs of money on artificial beauty treatments.

1. Apply Yogurt: When it comes to homemade skin care, yogurt definitely stands out of the crowd. While yogurt is definitely nutritious when consumed, it also has many skin benefits when applied externally. It not only lets you moisturize your skin, but also […]

3 Foods that Your Diet Cannot Do Without!

We all have a basic understanding of the foods we need to eat: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc. There are ways to kick start your body, however, a lot more than normal. Give your system the healthiest shock of its life and start incorporating these three foods into your daily eating habits. All three of these foods help to lower high blood pressure too!

1.) Spinach

Where do we even begin? Let’s start with the vitamin K in spinach, which will help you fend off cardiovascular disease and stroke, and promotes a healthy nervous system and proper brain activity. Spinach can also help lower your blood pressure, and it can even aid in fighting cancer! It’s packed with antioxidants, anti-inflammatory capabilities, and fights off cataracts.

If you’re paying extra attention to the way you look in addition to the way you feel, then you better start eating more spinach, stat! […]