How Gardening Teaches Children Responsibility and Healthy Habits

Gardening is a fun, healthy habit that every member of the family can enjoy together. Even very young children can be fascinated and engaged by spending a few hours each week in the garden. In fact, gardening is a wonderful way to introduce children to concepts like responsibility and the habits that contribute to a healthy lifestyle.

Get Children Involved from the Beginning

If possible, get kids involved with planting at the very beginning stages. You might consider giving them a small plot of garden for their very own where they can plant the seeds of their choice. Give them guidance, but also grant them the freedom to make their own experiments. If they choose to drop 10 seeds in a single hole, allow them to do so. Help them to understand that this is their garden plot and that they are responsible for the small living things that are […]

Treating Candidas: Nutritional Approaches to a Common Problem

There are multiple factors that may trigger the form changes and proliferation of Candida that result in candidiadis. This condition develops when the balance between yeast and bacteria is upset as a result of:

· Immune dysfunction · Disruption in ratio of good to bad bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract · Upset in intestinal pH


Immune dysfunction is caused by a number of factors: ingestion of certain drugs, like anti-inflamatories, cortisone, birth control pills, chemotherapy and antibiotics; exposure to toxic metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, nickel and aluminum and other environmental toxins; generation of internal toxins as a result of poor digestion and focal infection (a walled off area of concentrated toxins and dead and/or infected tissue, often in the mouth); stress and over-consumption of refined carbohydrates. All of these factors create an imbalance of gut flora (with the bad bacteria outnumbering the good) called dysbiosis, which can […]

Around The World In 80 Procedures

Medical tourism is a field that has gained a great deal of traction. Bringing vacation together with low-cost medical procedures, it is an odd-yet-attractive synthesis. The phenomenon is not just a hot item for Americans;

31 percent of West Australian women surveyed say they would consider it. Popular destinations include Asia, Latin America, Europe and the United States, which is home to a range of cosmetic treatments from facelifts to blepharoplasty. Due to the obvious ability to obtain medical treatments anywhere and save, medical tourism has travelers upping the ante on this unique opportunity. After all, who doesn’t enjoy saving money on medical costs and seeing the world at the same time?

The high cost of cancer: Responses in the East and West

The American Cancer Society warns that in the high cost of cancer treatment, health insurance is “no guarantee… you will be protected from major, life-changing expenses.” In […]

5 Perks of a Career in Healthcare

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nine of the top 20 careers with the greatest amount of projected growth are in the healthcare industry. Whether you’re searching for an entirely new career, or are getting ready to enter the job market for the first time, there are some compelling reasons to consider pursuing a career in the healthcare field.

Constant Demand

Throughout their lives, people can take advantage of more opportunities when they enjoy good health. That reality, combined with continuing advances in medical technology, mean that regardless of the specific career path you choose, you’ll likely always be in demand. Unlike some other types of jobs where downsizing is a risk, there is an aging population, and that helps to ensure a steady need for healthcare related assistance too. This job stability and security gives you more peace of mind around the workplace and offers opportunities to participate […]

Medicinal Plants for Your Garden

There are some plants that are just handy to have around at times. These plants can help with burns or upset stomachs or even sore throats. Growing them in your garden is not only a good idea, but much more affordable then buying them from the pharmacy or herbal shop. Here are some plants everyone should grow to keep their families healthy:

1. Aloe Vera – This cactus like plant is great for burns. The meaty interior can be applied directly to the skin. When juiced and consumed, the Aloe Vera plant has stomach calming qualities and helps with bowel problems.

2. Chamomile – This flower not only has a nice scent but it can be used for many illnesses. With calming qualities it is usually boiled into a tea and drank to relive stress and cure insomnia.

3. Echinacea – This is one herb that you need to take […]

Why are BPA’s so Bad?

BPA Overview

In recent years, there have been concerns over the amount of BPA in consumer plastics. This compound, also called Bisphenol A, was suspected to cause serious health problems. This public hysteria of BPA was fueled by studies in which researches showed adverse health problems, including cancer, in animals injected with large quantities. Since then, Wal-Mart has stopped carrying all products with BPA; Nalgene, Playtex, and other plastic makers have stopped using it in their products. Though people avoid BPA, many have little understanding of the chemical itself and how it is poisonous to the body.

Understanding BPA and Its Uses

Bisphenol A is a polar, organic molecule that has no color and is a solid at room temperature. With two phenol rings, the molecular structure contains 15 carbon atoms and 2 oxygen atoms. Chemical engineers use it as chemical reagents and building blocks to develop other complex organic […]