Best Fitness Machines for Losing Weight

Think of when you first walk into a gym: fitness machines scatter the area. Bikes, treadmills, elliptical machines, weights, and more are separated into their own sections, and here you stand. Do you head to a treadmill? Do you concentrate on cardiovascular exercises, or focus more on strength training? Your workout depends entirely on what your fitness goals are. Every piece of equipment targets a certain muscle group in your body, but some machines may work up more of a sweat than others. And if you need to lose weight, choosing the right fitness equipment can be a complicated decision. Should you pick a calorie-burning monster, or stick to something else? Here’s what you can expect out of your workout by using these common weight loss equipments.

1. Treadmills

As one of the most versatile machines in the industry, fitness experts say this machine can burn about 100 calories per […]

Organic Foods You Can Grow on Your Windowsill

When you think about growing your own food, you typically picture a large garden or plot of land. However, there are many foods that you can grow in small spaces with little light or even dirt required. Here are some ideas for foods you can grow organically at home on your windowsill:

1. Wheatgrass – Wheatgrass is a traditional supplement found in many health drinks. But not only is it good for you but it is super easy to grow your own. All you need is a container (even a yogurt cup will do) a bit of dirt and some seeds. Wheatgrass grows quickly and you harvest it by snipping off the tops as it grows. Easy and so yummy.

2. Sprouts – Things like bean sprouts or alfalfa sprouts can easily be grown in your home. They even have specially made containers to grow sprouts in. For a simple […]

Vitamins to Help You Feel Better Fast

When you are not feeling well you want to get better fast. However, most over the counter medications only treat the symptoms and wear off quickly. What can you do to feel better without having to take a bunch of medication? Try these vitamins:

1. Vitamin C – Vitamin C is found naturally in things like citrus fruits. If you ingest a lot of vitamin C it has been proven to reduce your chances of getting a cold or virus and also shorten the amount of time it is in your system. This is because vitamin C strengthens your immune system. Another advantage to vitamin C is that it is very hard to take too much. It is processed by your body quickly, so you also need to ingest large amounts regularly for the full effects.

2. Zinc –Zinc is another supplement that is proven to help you get over […]

Creating Space to Aid Healthy Decisions

Clutter in the kitchen can lead to mental clutter while you’re trying to cook a healthy dinner, especially if you’re stuck with a tiny kitchen. Eliminate the clutter to give yourself more space to make healthy decisions about dining. Start with these four tips to gain a fresh perspective on your kitchen and your overall diet.

Reduce Clutter

If you’re like most home cooks, you’ve probably got a collection of utensils, pots and pans, and skillets that doesn’t really match your needs. Maybe you’ve been holding on to everything you’ve bought since college, or a collection of roommates has left behind equipment you keep for those “just in case” times. Start with a piece of equipment cleanse to reduce what you don’t need. First eliminate equipment that’s damaged, such as utensils with melt marks or lids that don’t fit pans. Throw out nonstick pots that are damaged, as they release […]

How Social Media Can Help You Eat Healthily

Just about everyone who has tried to make radically healthier changes to their daily food consumption have realized that this is easier to accomplish with some kind of support system aside from your own will to succeed. It is a great help for people to cheer you on, support you, give you advice, or even criticize you on your way to better eating and overall health. Sometimes, you just can’t trust yourself as you are prone to self-rationalization (you are the best person to convince yourself to do anything), and an external perspective can be very useful.

We live in an age that a community can be in touch with one another, regardless of where they are physically. Health and fitness communities span countries, or even continents; they can share recipes, compare notes, and keep tabs on each other’s progress. Despite the widespread contagion of contaminated food, questionable chemical and […]